Prompted to Write

Prompted to Write is a blog for writers - professional, amateur, and for anyone who wants to take a stab at writing. The blog is produced and edited by Nicky Pitman, the Authors Advocate. Writing prompts will be posted once a week, and whomever reads them can write and post their responses for others to read. If you are self-prompted and want to share your work - please post it here on this blog.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Prompted by Gratitude

Write a story, poem or simply make a gratitude list. Please post what you write to the blog - it's a great way to spread gratitude!

Thanks to all!

Here's my Gratiutude List:

1. Life itself!
2. My health.
3. My intelligence.
4. My creativity.
5. My friends.
6. My family.
7. My pets.
8. My home.
9. My job.
10. My boyfriend.
11. Good movies.
12. Music.
13. Mountains.
14. Blue sky.
15. Laughter.


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